Yet Another AngularJS treeview - Use cases

by ca77y on 09 Feb 2014

Some examples of ya.treeview in action.



$scope.options = {
    context: {
        selectedNodes: []
    onSelect: function ($event, node, context) {
        if ($event.ctrlKey) {
            var idx = context.selectedNodes.indexOf(node);
            if (context.selectedNodes.indexOf(node) === -1) {
            } else {
                context.selectedNodes.splice(idx, 1);
        } else {
            context.selectedNodes = [node];


<div ya-treeview ya-id="myTree" ya-model="model" ya-options="options">
    <span ng-class="{selected: context.selectedNodes.indexOf(node) > -1}"></span>


.selected {
  background-color: #aaddff;
  font-weight: bold;

Async children loading

There are two ways to do it given options.lazy is true. Either children is a Function in which case it will be executed when the new part of a virtual model is constructed (on node expand) or onExpand is implemented to add children to the node.

If it’s ok for you to have a function in your model the first option works out of the box. The second one is below.


$scope.options = {
    onExpand: function($event, node, context) {'parents', node.$'children')
            .then(function (result) {
                node.$model.children = result;
                node.$children = context.nodifyArray(result);


<div ya-treeview ya-id="myTree" ya-model="model" ya-options="options">

Preselecting a node

The tree should be loaded with a node already selected for the user.

If you have a reference to the virtual node you want to select this is easy.

context.selectedNode = node;
var parent = node.$parent;
while(parent) {
    parent.collapsed = false;
    parent = parent.$parent;

Except you probably won’t have it. After loading a model you would like to get a reference to the node you want to preselect and tell the treeview ‘look, when you create a virtual node for this node I want it to be selected and path to it expanded’. Fair enough.

Every time a virtual node is created YaTreeviewService.nodify is called. This is the same nodify which is in the context. You can decorate a this service and check which node is processed.

This is shitty I know.

What happens if you have 2 treeviews with the same model and want only one to preselect a node? I can add a treeview id to the call for that but that’s going in the wrong direction imho.

What happens if you’re loading nodes asynchronously? No idea :)

I am thinking how to improve this, for it is what it is :(

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